A Note on Plant Sizing

A Note on Plant Sizing

When purchasing plants on the internet, you will find that they are most commonly sold by their pot sizes. These are generally in litres or centimetres. We have found that this can be confusing and want to try and explain the sizing. 
All of our plants are sold as 3 Litre pots. These are either square, narrow and deep for climbing plants or round and slightly squatter for shrubs and perennials. The images above show the size difference between the 2 most commonly sold sizes - 3 Litre and 9cm pots (sometimes written as P9) The variety is Choisya ternata Sundance.
Whilst 9cm pots are offered at a low price, they are known in the horticultural industry as liners. These are plants that are due to be potted on into 2 or 3 litre pots. You are therefore buying a small and very young plant that will require much more frequent attention and in some cases a period of looking after before they can successfully be planted outside. By purchasing the larger plant you are buying at least an extra years growth, a year in which the grower has cared for, pruned, shaped and fed the plant.
We recommend that you purchase at least a 3 litre sized plant in order to have the best chance of success.
